
Have a Question? You might find your answer here!

How early should I contact you to place an order?

As soon as you know you need cookies, please let me know. We prefer a minimum of 2 weeks, but can sometimes accomodate last minute orders.

What is your pricing?

Pricing starts at $45 a dozen. Each order is priced after theme and design are discussed. See the Pricing page for more detail.

Where are you located?

Bethel Park, PA 15102

What's your availability?

I only take a few orders each week. I would recommend booking 1-2 months in advance to secure a spot for your event.

What information is needed at the time of ordering?

Please use the Custom Order Form to submit your orders so I can get all the information I need from you.

When is payment due?

A 50% deposit is required to secure the order. Cookie orders are not booked until the deposit is received. The balance is due at pickup time.

Is shipping available?

Yes, however an additional fee will be added to the order to cover the cost of shipping. We primarily ship using USPS Priority Shipping. We only guarantee the date that cookies will ship. We will provide you with the tracking number and if you have any questions on arrival date we recommend visiting the USPS website for tracking assistance. I do my best to package the cookies sufficiently to prevent breakage. However, I am not responsible for broken or damaged treats once they leave my possession.

How should I store my cookies?

Cookies should be stored in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight. Cookes should never be placed in the refrigerator as the moisture will damage the icing. Cookies can be frozen. See below for instructions for freezing cookies.

How long do your cookies stay fresh?

All cookies are individually heat-sealed in a cellophane bag to maximize freshness and flavor. If left in their bags, the cookies should stay fresh for up to 3 weeks. I suggest if you're not going to be eating the cookies within a week to freeze them for maximum freshness. See below on how to freeze your cookies.

Can I freeze the cookies?

Yes! My cookies freeze very well! Often times people will freeze the cookies if I am unavailable for the exact date they'd like. To freeze the cookies you will very carefully place them in an air tight container (if using a ziploc I recommend putting a cookie sheet under it for stability). Rather than stacking them on top of one another, try stacking them on their sides. You will then take them out of the freezer the night before you'll be needing them. DO NOT open the container or ziploc until the cookies are completely thawed. This is the most important step, opening the container may cause condensation and will ruin the cookies. Frozen cookies can be enjoyed up to a year.

Can I cancel my order?

As long as the order is canceled prior to 2 weeks before the pickup date, a refund of the deposit will be issued. Rescheduling will be based on availability. However, if I'm not available for the rescheduled date, I suggest you consider keeping the original order date and freezing the cookies for the future event.

What flavor are your sugar cookies?

My signature cookies are vanilla with vanilla cream royal icing. Chocolate and chocolate chip are available upon request.

Do you offer refunds?

I am able to refund and cancel your cookie order up to 14 business days prior to your pick up date. No refunds will be given for cookies that have already been made, this includes holiday cookies. Any holiday cookies that are left 24 hours after the pickup times have ended will be forfeited with no refund unless other arrangements have been made with me.

What ingredients are used in your cookies?

Our cookies are made with flour, sugar, butter, eggs, pure vanilla, pure almond extract, baking soda, and salt. The icing is made with powdered sugar, water, corn syrup, vanilla, cream of tartar, merengue powder, and food coloring.

Are there regulations for a home kitchen?

Yes, our kitchen is inspected by the PA Department of Agriculture.

Have a different Question?

If I didn't answer your question above, feel free to contact me.